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Let's start learning how to config PWR Components and add it to the lightning page.



Basic Learning

Pre-requisites and basic info to get used with.
What is PWR Components? PWR Components is a suite of highly configurable Lighting Web Components that can be used to create custom user interfaces, actions, and display data in new and innovative ways.
List of PWR components Related List, Activity Timeline, Progress Bar, Ratings, Icon Group, Button Group, Visual Picker, Net Promoter Score, Slider
How to setup components Configuration ?
  • Open the PWR Components application from App Manager.
  • Select the required Components from components field list in designer.
  • Provide the label, name and select the Page type.
  • Click on Save.
  • Select the object record in record preview field.
  • Make the configuration changes.
  • Save the changes.
What is record Page? It simply offers a choice of objects to which the configuration can be saved.
What is non record Page? It not only allows selecting an object to save configurations but also supports saving configurations for the Home and App pages.
How to add PWR Components in lightning pages?
  • From any Lightning record/home page, click on the Setup icon.
  • Click on Edit Page.
  • From the left panel, inside Custom Managed section, select the required PWR Component and drag and drop it on to the page where you want.
  • On right side select a created configuration name from the available list
  • Save the page and click on back arrow to navigate back to the page.
  • Now you will be able to see the added component on the object Record/Home page.


Before utilizing PWR Components kindly ensure that you have fulfilled the below necessary pre-requisites








App Guidance 

Here are some of the most common questions that we get.
Does the free version allow using PWR Components on communities? No, the free version of PWR Components does not allow using it on communities. You need a paid plan to use PWR Components on communities, and PWR Components provides community license which is member-based, login-based or both.
Can I purchase individual components after the trial period ends? Absolutely! PWR Components allows you to purchase the components as per your needs.
How can I upgrade to a paid plan? To upgrade your plan or get more details on paid options, please Contact Us.